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Tab City Rawalpindi – Location Map, Payment Plan, and Details

Tab City Rawalpindi – Location Map, Payment Plan, and Details

Tab City Rawalpindi is a carefully planned, uniquely designed modern development located on the main GT Road Dhoke Kharian, surrounded by the breathtaking view of lush green hills.  Featuring all the top-class facilities, this place’s accessibility from the major areas of the twin cities is one of its most appealing qualities. Being a developing and emerging project, Tab City […]

Is Karachi Smart City Launching?

Is Karachi Smart City Launching?

Is the pioneer of Smart Cities planning to launch Karachi Smart City? Are they soon heading to other major cities with their fully-facilitated housing projects and bringing new opportunities? Well, all these are the market news and not yet confirmed officially. However, launching a smart city project in the city of light will be a […]

Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme Loan and Payment Plan 2022

Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme Loan and Payment Plan 2022

Owing a beautiful house is the heartiest desire of everyone. It is not only a wish but also essential to a safe and peaceful lifestyle. People living in Pakistan are also looking for the same and working hard to make their dream come true. However, many people, especially those living under the meager line of […]

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